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I have made this Web Site  to at least try kept people informed about MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS and anything I may find in any publications including the internet, that my help MS Sufferers.

I am this year`s  the West Fife Area Organiser for the MS Society. But I have made this web site of my own back and the MS Society has nothing to do with this site or anything in it. Excepted publications I may have copied from any of their  publications.

I can not be held responsible for any incorrect information. I have to take any information that I have collect as correct and that the writers of the publications have done there home work correctly and conceder there information as true.


The remit of this site is to try keep people informed about MS, MS treatments and other publications and web sites that may help kept people informed on MS, to the best of my ability.



My name is Robert Hunter I am 44 years old, I have been married for 20 years and have two daughter's 16 and 18 years old. I live in a town called Lochgelly in Fife Scotland. I have had MS since I was about 17. I think it started when I lost the sight in my left eye. A few years later my large bowel said bye, bye and was taken out, now I have a stoma and a bag at my waist. I have now that the bag for 20 years with no problems.

For the last 8 years I have been having problems with depression and my leg`s, though I am still walking  with a stick,I also have problems  with my blood pressure (low), my balance and my memory. I have not worked for about 10 years now.


In the last few months I have been going to disabled archery. I have found that I am not to bad at it. I am going into my first disabled contest on the 20th of May 2000 at Cluny Clays just outside Kirkcaldy in Fife.


Contact Information

Telephone: 07881528539

Postal address:  12 WATTERS CRESCENT
                        KY5 9LD    
E- mail:
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