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How to Make Kombucha

Compiled by Jim Sease, slightly modified by Norbert Hoffmann

Is summarized as follows:

bulletMake tea using 5 black or green tea bags, 1 cup of white sugar, and 3 quarts of water.
bulletBring water to a boil. Add the sugar and let boil for a few more minutes. Add the tea and let steep for 15 minutes.
bulletCool to room temperature.
bulletAdd the Kombucha mushroom and 1 cup of previously prepared Kombucha tea.
bulletCover the container with tight knit cloth (for example a handkerchief) and secure it with a rubber band, elastic, or string to keep out insects and air borne contaminants.
bulletPlace it where it will remain undisturbed and away from bright lights.
bulletLet it ferment for about 7 or 8 days plus or minus a few days depending on the growing temperature and how acidic you like it.
bulletRemove the original Kombucha mushroom and the new baby mushroom that formed on the surface of the tea.
bulletStrain the Kombucha tea and store it in the refrigerator.

It is considered best to use clear glass containers for this whole process although some people consider it acceptable to use a stainless steel pot to boil the water and food grade plastic containers to ferment and store the tea. Metal is considered toxic to Kombucha so never let metal touch the Kombucha mushroom or Kombucha tea. Never use aluminum containers for anything having to do with making Kombucha.

There are numerous variations, hints, and tips for growing Kombucha, but not all writers agree on all the details.